The Bos en Lommer district in Amsterdam is a ethnic  neighborhood, consisting of mostly Turkish residents. The majority of these people do not have any desire to assimilate with the Dutch culture. Most do not even learn the language. They like living in Amsterdam, but the native Dutch people do not approve of them.
Giddeon "Gikkels" is a Surinamese rapper in the district of Bijlmer. There are over 150 different cultures represented in this region.  Because there was a string of violence, 13 shootings in one month, a Dutch official said that the people of Bijlmer were like apes, or cavemen. Gikkels made this music video in response to that statement. 

Ghanaian street performers doing acrobatic dance in Bejlmer

One Comment

  1. need to see where you are going here. the immigration neighborhoods are a rich topic just as minority populations and culture. can you pinpoint a neighborhood that is in transition?
